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Where is another God like you, who pardons the sins of the survivors among his people?

Once again, God demonstrated the compassion and love on us. God will tread our sins beneath our feet; He will throw them into the depths of the ocean! We will stand in silent, and meet the Lord our God as we stand in awe. He will bless us as he promised our brother Jacob long ago. God will set his love upon us, as He promised our father Abraham!


"Who is like the Lord?"

The book of Micah is the images of God who Ruler of all things. God would used and do almost anything to accomplish His purposes to correct His own unjust children. God will speak out against the selfishness and self-centered behavior. He will exploit everything that is hidden. God expects us to advocate of his reign and triumph. But also God speak the dark future of those who practice injustice, who take advantage the gifts of God, and the privileges of God.

God is a merciful God but His also the God of justice. His expectation from every one is to be responsible to the things God created, be a good stewards of all the blessings and privileges that comes. The gifts he provided for us.

God cares deeply for his people. His love for the people and relationship will remain a high priority. He wants us to act justly and walk humbly. These are one of many important expectations from him. When we become self-serving we practically robbing God's blessing and the privileges of being His servant-disciples.

The moment we fail to practice servant-hood we become self-serving. Remember God confronts and discipline his children. He is the divine judge of all. God demonstrated his ultimate power through the Holy Spirit. He builds up and tear down. He is not only the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. He is sovereign God, majestic and the Creator.

Even though God known for love and merciful. The God of love is also known the God of justice. God has the other side too. He will hold all of us accountable. God knew we are all capable to do great things. And the fullness of fruitfulness and goodness is already in us. Obedience and faithfulness are the keys of growing and living. --- Being Jesus Disciples.

Obedience is far better than sacrifice. He is much more interested in your listening to him and following his footsteps. Remember God tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. Because of his obedience, the Lord will keep his part of the contract which, in his tender love, he made with your Father Abraham.

The love Jesus leave behind is his grace, eternal life and unrelenting love for his people.

What story we leave behind?

What legacy we leave behind?

What love I leave?


Lord Almighty God,

Here I am

Standing in awe in your presence.

Lord Almighty God,

I'm praying the kind of love I leave behind is your story.

The story of Jesus Christ sovereignty and unrelenting love.

That your love will always be in my heart.

For you alone is my bread of life until eternity.

Lord Almighty God.

Thank you for making it so.

I love you!

In Christ name.


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