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Two days later, God is still speaking. Now! is the time and never forget the warning.

“Today if you hear God’s voice speaking to you, do not harden your hearts against him, as the people of Israel did when they rebelled against him in the desert.”

Timeless Reflection & Prayers

Moses was a chosen leader to his people by God. It is the voice of God telling Moses to pay attention and listen. God given Moses an instruction, to do extraordinary things. God prepare Moses for the call that was to come, to bring his full awareness, and experience the amazing sight. Moses task was unique.

What would any of us done? Would we listen? Would we obey and follow? Are we ready? We can all hear or discover a call, but we have to be ready to receive and discover them. We have to be open to any possibility to do extraordinary things.

The mainstream of growing in faith is to remain open and be ready to such experiences and transforming grace of God. Wherever we are, whatever we do, always be ready to experience and receive God's amazing love. God's presence are always around us.

Just the like the burning bush, we just have to listen and hear when God is still speaking.

Let us give God a full attention, all ears to the voice of God and heart's open wide to the Holy Spirit of God as we stand in awe of Him.

O' Lord Jesus Christ,

Today this moment,

I put my trust in You.

I surrender my life to You.

Please forgive me, when I don't listen.

Please forgive me when I tried to hide-away.

Please forgive me when I disobey.

Forgive me! O Lord'

O' Lord Jesus Christ,

Please come to my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus Name.


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