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Let us all begin with the practice of power of prayer. Over the next 40 days. Let us all begin to pray for one another or someone, either those who loves you or those who mistreat you or someone dislike you or you dislike. As we begin, start width being intentional and letting go of negativity that takes away the joy of life.

Let's all practice with hope and encouragement with one another. And hoping that will shape and transform our lives to even better. It's time for us to consider both giving up and doing more . . . letting go . . . surrender to Jesus . . .

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." --- Ephesians 4:31-32

How do (I/We) begin?

First, encourage someone to count the blessings and that every time what comes in our mind that brings fear, fret or negativity replace them with good thoughts or positive things. Try to see things as God sees. Try to see that person as God does. Try to love the person as God loves you and I.

Always look for the good in every situation even if has to be one thing, or even in the bad times, there's always a lesson we can learn from it.

Try to turn away from any destructive behavior, aim for good attitudes and respond. These are not easy thing to do and practice. However, Jesus will help us! You and I can depend on God and can come to God in all things.

Over time God can transform our lives, and eventually amazing things will happen. We all begin to see the glimpse of God's glory.

Glimpsing God's glory is simply being intentional of our faith. It all begin by coming to Christ. Complete surrender! Letting go! Give our lives to Christ totally!

It all starts with prayer, repent, and ask God to come-in in your life.

Spent time in reflection. Be still!

Listen! Repent and ask for forgiveness of our sins. Try to listen, see and look upon the blessing of God's grace throughout the day.

As you read the bible daily or the devotional prayer, try to reflect of how we can applied these words of God into our daily lives. Try adding something new habit, practice and experience it!

While you are doing and practicing the power of prayer. Ask someone to pray for you in daily basis as you begin the 40 days Life Transforming God's Grace. While you pray, do the same for others as well. There's a blessing in both ends.

Through prayer or while you're praying for someone. God is actually doing something remarkable in our lives. God is actually changing us, transforming our lives, our hearts even more, more than we can ever imagine.

Often times we don't see them because we don't look hard enough and take the time to reflect on these things. We don't realize it! We don't look for it!

Human being doesn't like change, yet we are evolving in a constant change. Just like the weather, it changes every day. The weather are not all the same each day. We all have a different habit and 99% we don't like to inconvenient ourselves. Would be a lot easier to fret and be passive than doing more or act upon.

Life comes with hard work, commitment, diligent and labor of love. We don't think often enough, but if we look back in our history. Many ancestor before us, work hard in order for us to have a freedom and continue of what they had started.

Yes! Nothing is permanent. No one is immune to any sort of problems and life struggles. Bad or good we all can relate somewhat width what we experienced and what suffering is all about, just as pain, joy, sorrow and so on ... is all about. We all go through in life with many seasons.

In other words let us NOT justify one's suffering in expense of the other. Because each one of us are wired differently. We all suffered especially when we see someone is hurting that we cared and loved. It is why we get angry. Isn't!

Neither both sides have the consequences. The outcome might be different but the most common thing we can all relate is "PAIN & SUFFERING".

Pain or joy is something we can all relate. We forget it sometimes. God designed it because it reminds us we are not in charge the whole situation or in any circumstance. We think we do, but we are not.

God is telling us to stop! But instead, give support and prayers to someone and to one another.

Let's all pay attention to what has shaped you and I. Start a new habit that leads to a better healthy living. Make changes that last. The blessing of God is all good and abundant.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just it is well with your soul. --- 3John 2 (NRSV)

We need to practice the power of prayer and live a health life of living. It means practice good spiritual habit and keep your emotions in checked. Feed our brain with good things.

It's not too late to begin ... Lent is the seasons, by taking the time of reading the bible daily, spending time in praying, finding a quiet time to listen. A time of repentance. Seek God first for Jesus is always waiting for us to come. Come with complete surrender.

Is not all gonna be perfect and good all the time but at least try every day to come to it.

Jesus is watching!

Only Jesus can transform someone else life, but our task is to love and pray for one another.

Now it's your turn!

Go out and make a difference.

Start a new habit that will eventually lead to a transformation.

Remember, only God can do what he can do that we can't do.

Do our best and God will take care the rest.

Have Faith! Take a leaf of faith.

Trust & Obey . . .

Grace & Peace be with you,



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