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Proverbs 16:1-3 Living Bible (TLB)

We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands. We can always “prove” that we are right, but is the Lord convinced? Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed.

Timeless Reflection & Prayers

When is it the time to spring into action?

When is it time to go?

First thing foremost God always allow us to uncover the possibilities. We can make all the plans, all the doing and more, but the final outcome is in God's hands. Either we are convinced or not. Is the Lord convinced? So no matter where we are or whatever we do, God looks into all of them regardless of anything. He wants us to commit our work to Him in order for it to thrive and succeed. There's high expectation from God. Now, when do we uncover the possibilities? How we uncover the possibilities?

First, there's a preparation that we go through. Is our heart aligned with God? Are we truly giving God a total control of our lives? Before we can ever change, we need to let God come into our life and let Him transform or change us.

How God navigate in our life?

God usually unfolds everything over time. He only reveal things in His time, in His ways, and when we are ready. It is process we go through. God is always the one who made things possible because He wants to accomplish His purpose. By doing so, God will use our gifts, skills, abilities, talents and passion. God created all these things to fit of who we are as individually. God sets the priorities for us, neither we know it or not, neither we like it or not. God will seek us out to adjust our time, our gifts and energy. Once we uncover all the possibilities. God will eventually require as to act, but also He will check out our motives, our intentions and credibility. Are we consistent? Is are the choices we make is for the purpose of God? Are they beneficial to ourselves or to others? What character we tend to put out there? Do we acknowledge at all the victory is in God's Hand? The Lord Jesus Christ will weights the spirits. He will determined all the outcome while we are uncovering our potential and discovering the possibilities of "Nothing is impossible for those who believe and live by faith."

What characteristic am I built? What characteristic God seek out to built? God seek/look out for relationship and humility; a loving heart and compassion; someone who can cast the vision and have the passion or conviction. Someone who rely on God and whose willing to adjust or change priorities. Someone who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knew Jesus. Most of all someone whose willing to be Jesus Disciples. The result of all these, are beyond we can all imagine. No matter where we are or do. God's Power always revealed and demonstrated to us. After all God is the creator. We are his creation.

Is Jesus the reason "my ALL in ALL" or something else?

May the God of Hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope and joy by the power of the Holy Spirit. God, hear every prayers . . . as it is in heaven . . . thy kingdom come . . . thy will be done. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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