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In Between Times

The God-Given Task

In between times God given us a task. How many times we have seen the God-given grace and mercy in all of us? He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has put everything in placed. He has put eternity in every believers heart, except that no one can find out the work that God does from the beginning to end.

I do believe that nothing is better than to rejoice and to do good in our lives. Living out a Christian Faith. Obedience is one of them and has a such vital role in our walk, in the journey we all partake. It is a gift of God that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it. And nothing taken from it. God does it. It's already been, and what is to be. God tells us we exists an appointed time, neither in between those times from our birth to death; planting to reaping; sorrow to joy; chaos to peace and hope.

We don't control the timing of anything that comes out or even in certain events, but what we can do is to recognize what God is doing. It is our responsibility to recognize God's timing. We are to partners with God and cooperate with God of what He is doing in our midst. Acceptance of God's timing is very important for us in order to see and acknowledge them. God has made everything appropriate in His time.

Upon those times we will see also the difference between the problems and living out in the life of a Christian Faith. Problems arises all the time. And sometimes we can do something about it and find resolution. While other times we are to keep from doing to going; from striving to live out.

Is better to apply or spend our time in more such meaningful and valuable moment. The things we can add value and change for the better that lead us to life, joy, peace and hope. In Psalms 23 remind us of what God alone can do, and what we can only take control.

In between times, God is at work shaping our lives, offer glimpse into our heart, and the constant outpouring of His love for all of us. We are ask to response to the guidance God gives us. Once we get the confirmation and peace from God, we should/must act accordingly. Obedience is a reflection of faith. Obedience is our reflection of our love to the Lord Jesus. God uses many methods or ways to discipline us. He correct his people in whatever manner he sees fit. God desires to humble us and discipline our ways, our life living.

Once again, the divine message was sent out in many ways, in between those times God reveals his might and power. Make sure we follow by believing in God and His message. Embrace the ultimate cause and what his doing. And hope the people would change and repent. Believe every God's promise and the life of abundance.

Be silent in the presence of the Lord God;

For the day of the Lord is at hand.

Zephaniah 1:1-18

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