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The Visit of Magi

MATTHEW 2:1-12

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Guest Preacher: Pastor Lourdes Stevens

Bethany Felton United Methodist Church


Many of us were introduced to Epiphany through the familiar image and the story of Three Wise Men bearing gifts as they followed the Great Star by night. Epiphany is known as the Day of the Kings. It is also known as Twelfth Day or Twelfth Night, reflecting an old custom of giving a gift for each of the days from December 25 to January 6 for the 12 days of Christmas. The word epiphany means appearance or manifestation. It is illustrate in the images of having a light bulb turned on, or of being able to see something that was once hidden from view. As you look at the sky, they have thousand of them, yet there’s only one star significantly or true representation of one true King, which is Jesus.

Who were the Magi?

Many versions of the Bible refer to them as the Wise Men. We often forget that these Magi or Wise Men were non-Jews. They began to search, seek and look for the star.

What conviction of these Magi to go on the journey?

First, the Wise Men began their journey because of their beliefs. It was a common belief that when a world leader like a king was born that a special stellar phenomenon would appear in the sky. The Magi saw something that convinced them that they had seen the long-awaited sign. Historians tell us that the Jews, the Romans, and the Persians were all watching the skies about that time, looking for signs of the birth of an extraordinary king. The Wise Men saw the star and began their journey. Second, the Wise Men were willing to follow what they had seen into unknown territory. Their journey took them outside their country and their comfort zone. The Wise Men risked the consequences of disobeying Herod, who was known to behave as a madman when provoked and returned to their country by another way. Third, the Wise Men were committed to the journey -- wherever the star might lead. The Wise Men set out to find a newborn King by following a star and ended up in finding a baby born. Not exactly what they expected. Finally, the Wise Men brought gifts. They did the thing that people in the East or in Africa or in India would do when visiting royalty. They brought gifts.

  • Gold was the kind of gift that you brought to a king.

  • Frankincense was the kind of gift that you would bring to a priest.

  • Myrrh was given to someone who was about to die.

Their greatest gift comes to us in the form of a realization. The Wise Men were the first Gentiles to recognize that Jesus belongs to everyone, is not just a select few. The Magi gave these expensive gifts because they were worthy presents for a future King. These gifts may have provided the financial resources for the trip to Egypt and back to Nazareth. Their gifts are the representation of honoring the King and worship Jesus of who he was. This is the essence of true worship. Along the journey of these Magi, they were warned by God not to return to Jerusalem as they had intended. Finding Jesus may mean that your life must take a different direction, as well our faith walk in Christ, where our response is to be obedient to God’s Word.

As we come to celebration throughout our lives, we come to experience, we travel by a different route, different path, everyone has a different story of their life. We have somewhat similar experience we all probably can relate to each one of them, piece by piece, in the story, where God always minister to us throughout the history and the gospel. Where we can see, experience the goodness and the worst as the story enfold us. Regardless, what we go through every day, Jesus promise of hope, redemption and eternal life. As the story told us when King Herod orders the slaughter of baby boys. Jesus and his family move to Egypt. King Herod felt the treat of competition, right away he took actions. What the tremendous insecurity that is. Upon hearing the news, Herod grew angry, impatient and self consumed and disturbed. Think about it of how we re-act sometimes when we find ourselves feeling insecure or threatened by the change or current situations when we have no control. Most of us struggle of being insecure; it is in the human nature. However, Jesus wants us to have a sense of worth, sense of belonging, sense of purpose and competence, when we feel inadequate.

How do we respond?

First, Believe! Just as these Wise Men. We must surrender all circumstances with God. Surrender all our lives and let God take control over our lives. Second, willing to follow Christ, we should never rely on our own being or our spiritual being but rather surrender to God. Our personal and security must be worthy of God’s love. Third respond is our commitment, our willingness to take part of God’s journey, which he prepared for us, wherever the star might lead us. Also to remember to trust the Lord Sovereignty and his providence, everything belongs to God. Many of us go on special journey during the Christmas Season through the Easter Season, the day of the Pentecost and so on. All these things that have happened in the past; to the present; and what is to come is all God’s mysterious planned. The time we spend in every day is very important and significant more than we ever realize. Consider we might have to travel by a different path. And sometimes we must, in order for us to see the glory of God and his sovereignty; experience the power of love and witness the miracles of God. --- God’s Transforming Grace

Maybe the way we always do or travel in the same route, maybe are not always where God intended for us, rather God wants us to take a different route or path because God knows what is best for us. --- A Better Path

Let this Epiphany season be the new journey, a new seasons for all of us, a reminder that we are to follow Jesus wherever he leads us. On these Twelfth Day, Three Kings Day, otherwise known as Epiphany.

Think of the gift that you will offer to God in the coming year.

  • What gift of time we offer and give?

  • What gift of talents would we share?

  • What service do we participate in the community?

  • What witness and testimony we will proclaim?

  • What gifts of undying love and devotion we will give?

All of them are all valuable, important and matter to God. Let the Holy Spirit be our guide, and may the Holy Spirit prompt us to do so. Now! Let us follow, The Star of Bethlehem, a Star of Light, Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of HOPE. Jesus is the Star with Royal Beauty & Bright. Are you willing to be led by the light of Jesus Christ? Are you willing to be led by the different ways of God is called us to do? Whatever our respond in works or deeds do it for the Glory of God.

In Christ Name.


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