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Isaiah 6:1-13

Isaiah Called to Be a Prophet

What it means to live faithfully in a broken world and filled of many challenges?

How many times we found ourselves bound together in restlessness in search of something better than the world we see today. In the story of Isaiah, who was called to be a "Prophet". His life journey and his experienced was led to own process of responding to a divine call to lead. Isaiah gets a vision of God, a vision of himself and the ministry. Isaiah was commission to be God's messenger to his people, and the task was laid out for him was a difficult mission. He had to proclaimed and told to the people of what God is intend to do for those whom disobeyed him.

Isaiah view of God is all greatness, mighty and powerful; full of mystery. Isaiah revelation with God has change him forever. Through the experienced and divine revelation that Isaiah encountered. He learned the awesomeness of God's personality. He understood the relationship or the love affair of God and the human beings. The vast distance between the human being and God, were infinite and broken itself.

What is our conviction?

As we reflect and ponder in the book of Isaiah, I personally found myself in the questions what is my respond to a divine call? What is my conviction personally? It became clearer to me personally that we had to develop a strong common convictions in our faith walk with God. It begins in reconciliation to the will of God. The complete surrender in order to sustain the journey. It is an invitation of ongoing search, process and transformation. God is already given us of what we need to sustain us in the journey ahead.

The profound gift of God always laid before us, is the kingdom of hope. Hope is what flows from our conviction of our own life journey, from our yearning and desire; from our heart and passion. What cause us to believe is our faith and love that we have for God. And by knowing that we have loved first, it creates a newness of life. Wherever we go, God is always planting the seeds of HOPE. We've seen the lives of others before us, just like Isaiah the prophet. Just because the way things are is not always the way has to be.

The lens between our relationship with God and within each other is LOVE.

Our HOPE of believing and trusting the Lord will provide a road map where we will see and witness to the seeds of HOPE. God will revealed to all his glory and his kingdom.

We believe because we seen it in the lives of the people who before us of how God transformed the lives of individual to collectively, from the community to a nation and the world. We also believe because of our own experienced in our own life journey.

Upon our journey we discover God's holiness. God mighty power and sovereign grace.

As the ending of this chapter six, Isaiah realized that he was unclean before God. As he confessed, and told his sins were forgiven. Isaiah submitted himself entirely to God's service, that no matter how difficult the task would be. Isaiah said,

"Here am I. Send me!"

In order for Isaiah to fulfill the task to which God was calling him. He has to go through a painful cleansing process before he can begin the task. Before we begin to accept God's call to speak for him to those around us. We must be cleansed. Surrender our life to God completely, submit ourselves and confess our sins. Let God purify our heart and set our path in his righteousness. The more Isaiah become aware of his own powerlessness and inadequacy to do anything without God. The more he seen the mystery of God's time, he was willing to be God's spokesman.

God is purely, and perfect holy, just and loving.


Psalm 67

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—[b] so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.

May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth.

May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you.

The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us.

May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.


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