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What would have made a difference in our words? . . .

We always begins with our thoughts even before our actions. When our minds, our attitude and our heart are align with God on righteousness. We place ourselves to lead well and to do better. The power of words lead to a power of communication when it is used for the goodness in all and for the glory of God. It is amazing how God wired us.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

Proverbs 18:21

Once again God revealed to us there's a power in our words especially of how being used. When it is used for goodness we accomplished the blessing and witness the amazing love of Christ. It becomes a fountain of life to others. Does it save others from ruin? Does it build-up the body of Christ from one person to collectively? All of us will be held accountable to what we say and do. Sometimes silence is more powerful than words and prayers are the best tools. Through our words and deeds, it feeds and nourish others. When it is spoken for the goodness of others rather than self-destruction or self-serving it produces unity and harmony.

How often we express what is good and nurture in the heart of those who follow?

We must guard our heart, our thoughts, our mind for they are; our guide, and help us to stay on the right path. Guarding ourselves it keep us protected and kept us to stumble.

Pride vs. Humility

Pride leads to disgrace. It produces division, quarrels and self-destruction. It causes us to stumble and lead to punishment. It brings us in downfall. The best policy if you have nothing worthwhile to say, it benefits to keep quiet, because it allow us the opportunity to listen and learn. Make sure to stop, pause, think and to listen so that when we speak, we have something important to say, and it is worthy of our hearing.

Often times our human nature of sinfulness makes difficult nor can't help it not to engage in real world stuff that we've hope we never had too, as it is hard to turn it down a delicious dessert. We cannot ignore because it will never go away. It is a every day life reality. Taking just one more candy that creates a taste more. Isn't how we are sometimes? Every time we nibble on the first bite of any remarks that causes us to stumble from the second and the third, the next thing we know, we cause someone to stumble, hurt and pain. It significantly brings someone low.

Humility leads to wisdom. For those who take extra measure of listening, forgiving and a heart of compassion towards other leads to honor God and produces fruitfulness. Anyone who take advice and do better for the goodness of others produce relationship and growth. It brings one to honor.

The fullness of God's word are profound and powerful. It must be clearly communicated. It must be used to motivate others. The word of God in the bible are clearly communicated, it is spoken with words of revelation, inspiration, adoration, exhortation, affirmation, information, teaching, discipline and declaration.

How do we communicate?

How Jesus do it?

He simplify the message. He spoke forthrightly, clearly, and boldness with love. He meant it every words. Jesus always emphasized with others. His love for his children. Jesus knew the needs and the suffering. Jesus demonstrated his passion for all of us by His blood at the cross. He lived what he said. Jesus always spoke with a purpose. He always kept his promise.

Jesus urge us to obey and be faithful in all that we do. Love one another and ask for his forgiveness so that we can forgive others.

Every time we exercise and practice kindness to one another it shape the outcome, it changes lives and create a future of hope. Ourselves does not revolves around us, but rather the other way around. Jesus love is big! Bigger than we can ever imagine.

Who we are to say? When God have all the power.

Be mindful there's a difference between the person who learn from constructive criticism and the person who refuses to accept correction. How we respond will determines whether or not we grow in wisdom. Listen carefully to all that is being said and of what God is revealing to all of us. We might learn something.

When we stop listening to instruction, we will stray from the words of knowledge. God is faithful Lord and just.

The fellowship and unity we offer to one another is an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving to God. It is symbolize of peace and love from above. God did not want his people to be divided but united.

--- United in Christ

As we continue to face problems and temptations, God want us to focus on his resources, in his grace, in his love, in his power and to trust him to help us.

These are the words . . .

The fear of the Lord leads to life, yet there's no fear in love.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God be with us always.


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