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TIL I MET YOU . . . love unfolding

[1 Corinthians 1-16]

LOVE is what ties us altogether. Is our guide in all we do. We have different gifts, abilities, likes, dislikes, dreams and hope. All together we are called without exception to love. We love because he first loved us. God demonstrated this kind of love at the cross. Let us all be grateful and thankful because of what Christ has done for us. Let us all focus on what God is really doing in such a time as this one. God's grace is at hand every moment. Focus our thoughts on what God is really doing and give Him praise.

God is all powerful. He always acts at the right time. It's all about in His time. He is sovereign in all, in every situation. God reveals himself in all miracles every day. And thankfulness should always be at presence in our heart, in all what we do. God always shown his personal concern, his love and mercy. Not only God protect us, but guide us in everything. God provide in all that we need. God is faithful and just.

When we put our trust in him, he quiets our heart, he give us rest and assurance. In the stillness we will find God's grace and experience his amazing love. God sees in our depth of our entire being.

Love is what bind us together. Faith is what keep us all together. Our faithfulness and obedience to God through all the spiritual gifts entrusted us will transform our lives. It allow us to grow in our faith, and witness this amazing transforming grace of becoming/become Jesus disciples. It changes lives from one person to collectively.

God give us the guidance and the wisdom. God's wisdom must never divide us but instead, a serving, caring heart. Our allegiance must be to Christ. Let God lead us. We must live up to God's standard. Let love guide us, our action, our attitude, our character to do God's will. Everything we do must carried the heart of the servant. --- The Love of God.

In all that we do, we should worship God in a manner worthy of his high honor. We must stay faithful to God in all that we do, in all service. We are here to live out and practice of what God is given to us, that knowing we will spend eternity with Christ.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2

Remember God is our light, refuge, strength and fortress --- in Him I will trust. God eternal reign is holiness. God's glory is seen not only in his strength but in his perfect moral character as well. God will never do anything that is not morally perfect. This assures us that we can trust him. God is at work. There's a power of God wisdom and knowing Christ personally is the greatest wisdom anyone could have.

Love and humility is the ultimate expression of our gratitude of our heart. The Spirit searches all things, even the depth of our being, God sees it all. Remember wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. There are many things are hidden in the mystery of time, but just imagine all that God has in store for us both in this life and eternity will be reveal in time. Isn't amazing! These wonderful gifts await for us in the eternal life and our future.

A future of hope, courage to press on life, endure all things and avoid that causes us to stumble.

This world is not all there is. The best is yet to come.

Open ourselves, open our minds, open our heart to what the Lord is doing in our lives, in our churches, in our community and the world . . . for such a time as this.

"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people."

--- God great power & might. ---

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