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Sunday, November 6, 2016
Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Salsgiver - shared the good news of the gospel.
A word of encouragement ...
"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -- Joshua 1:1-9

Upon reflection and prayers . . .

The journey itself comes with much wonders, searching and challenges. As we come on every places of life. We come to know each purpose and expectation; responsibility and accountability. Every decision or choice we made has itself a major consequences neither the outcome post is a threat at times or not, somehow have a profound impact from individual to collectively.

We can have one lousy decision to another bad decision or we can have one good sense of direction and lead us to a better life. Regardless of the outcome of both, it will always have a mark and a footprint in our history and our lives.

The questions are;

What we can all learn from it?

What difference did it created?

What impact did it made today and the days ahead?

In spite what we all thinking about or says, in the end of it all God has the final words. God is in control from the beginning to the end. We can say anything we want and do whatever we think of but God has the final thing to say and does.

God promise us a new life and eternal life. He is the source of all the power and authority. Whenever there’s a change in our journey, we can expect some transition in such a time. It is essential to all of us to go through this process because it is a part of our faith. Through our repentance, forgiving heart and healing. We gain much more, more than we ask. It is a winsome!

In every new job or leaders position is a challenge, and without God it can be frightening to all of us. However, God’s promise that he will never abandon us or fail us. God is our help. We seek. We ask. He listen. He answer. In all adversity we face everyday, we can be assured through his love and grace by God. We can endure and overcome through it all. He is with us, within us. He loves watching us. God's love is always here.

To gain such success and overcome these new challenges;

  1. We must be strong and courageous.

  2. Obey all God’s instruction and his commandment.

  3. Be in prayer at all times.

  4. Reflect and study His word.

  5. Be faithful.

  6. Love God.

  7. Love one another.

  8. Be ready.

The only way we can all be successful is to follow God’s word and keep our eyes fixed upon Him. God opinion about us matter the most than anything else in this world. God will judge all of us according to what we have done. Justice will prevail and obedient will be blessed. Don’t try to take upon ourselves. God wants us to hold-on to him, and be patient for God’s justice will come.

God will purify our hearts and unite us, so that all his people will come together in unison to worship him. Let God take control our lives and purify our heart so that the words coming out from our lips will be pure as well. God wants us to remain faithful and obedience. God rejoices over us with singing, whenever we come in his dwelling place. --- In The Secret Place

Love Unfolding through the enduring promise . . .

One day Christ will reign in his kingdom on earth. There all his people will live with him. God is constantly reminding us “with God all things are possible.” God is a sovereign Lord and His love beyond measured. His love will continue to unfold each day, each moment, in everyday. All we need to do is be ready and pay attention to the sign and wonders. ---The Mystery of Time

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